Cleaning Tips and Tools

7 Tips to Declutter Your Home Fast

So summer is here and all of a sudden you realized you did your “spring cleaning” but are still drowning in “stuff”. Some people have junk drawers… some people have junk areas, some people have junk rooms and unfortunately some people have junk homes. No matter what you have I can help you in minimizing your clutter in a fast and efficient way.

1. First determine what is it you want? What is your decluttering goal? Is it the entire house, a room or just the porch? Do you want to have less to dust? Or would you like to have a home that is easy to keep clean?

2. Whatever it may be you need to start by writing it down. By doing so will help keep you on track. Decide what needs to be done and commit to a time frame to get it completed. I would suggest writing it down on separate pages of a notebook. When you do that you can write down exactly what you want done in each room, as well as what has been completed.

3. Once you figure out what needs to be done and in how much time, I would suggest taking it a room at a time. Do not bounce from one area to another until the room you are working on has been completed. If you Do bounce from room to room it will take twice as long to finish your decluttering project.

4. In each area that you start on there are a few things that will be needed. You need a large garbage bag, a donate box, and a keep or store box. Your goal should be to fill the garbage and donate box and keep no more than the one store or keep box per room.

5. When you start to go through your items really decide what it is you need. Do you have clothing you haven’t worn in over 1 ½ years? If so and you don’t plan on ever wearing it again then it’s time to get rid of it! Donating items to local charities can also often be a tax deduction so keep that in mind! Think of it this way, you will have given it to people in need as well as save money at the end of the year through your taxes. (Please see a licensed tax adviser for more information on this).

6. Next if you find yourself out of ambition recruit a friend or family member to help you. Sometimes we need a hand because the job is simply too big for one person. If you don’t have anyone to help you can always look and find an organizer or housekeeper in your local area. Take note that housekeepers are generally for the simple task of tidying up, disinfecting, dusting and things of that nature. Professional organizers are generally the professionals you most likely need. They are not the least expensive, but well worth the investment to have a tidy home for a lifetime. Many professional organizers can teach you tips and tricks to help keep your home organized.

7. Next, if you have family members that are notorious for putting things in random places; I would recommend walking through everything that was done and where everything’s belongs. If you have children, have them help you with organizing their own space. This will allow for them to learn how to organize while taking responsibility for choosing where things belong. Help them along, but let them have some choices on how things should be.


If you want to have your home completely organized the best thing to do is to take action. You can plan and think about it forever, but if you never actually start and finish your plan you will continue to feel overwhelmed and stressed in your own home. Take it back! Get your home to be the sanctuary it should be, a place of peace and relaxation.

If you want to organize your home quickly be sure to follow these tips and remember to have goals with a timeline. If you really want to “lighten the load” stop holding on to things that are collecting dust and space and remember this helpful tip. If you were to lose everything in your home due to a natural disaster what are the things you feel are completely irreplaceable? Those are the things to keep organized and safe, preferably all in one location in case an emergency does arise, everything else other than people are replaceable so don’t be afraid to just let go. Good luck and you can do it!